
This is the story of my Heart Attack, Procedures and Recovery. As I laid in the hospital, the thought occurred to me to document this for others to read and possibly get some insight into what it is all about.

My purpose so far has been threefold.

1. Those of you facing elective angioplasty could learn what it might be like and maybe elect to do it sooner knowing the results were so positive.

2. Anyone just having a heart attack might remember my little story and have confidence that things would work out for the better.

3. Those of you who have not had any Coronary Heart Disease diagnosed might look closely at your habits (eating, drinking and lifestyle) and realize that even as young as 47 we are certainly not immune to problems. This is the time to reevaluate the race and understand that it is up to you to take the measures necessary to insure a healthy and happy life well into the future. It took quite a jolt for me to finally wake up and see the light. I hope this story helps you become aware much sooner than that.

Some of the risk factors as described to me are as follows in two categories: Controllable and Uncontrollable.

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